All the Chch teams.

Yellowbellies score in Chch.

What is he thinking??

Blackball Pub.

Honorary Yellowbelly.

Hokitika Gorge.

Yellowbellies and Queenstown Team.

Jet Boat Heroes!

Whakatipu Rugby Club

We think he has got his budgie smugglers on??

No wonder we get lost when Oz is in front!!

A few Yellowbellies descend on Cardrona pub.

Ice Bar in Queenstown, had to be done!

Aftermatch in Queenstown.

Lou entertaining in Queenstown.

Quenching a thirst after the game.

Typical South Island scenery.

Our Fishermen.

Jacko the Fisherman.

Yellowbelly whanau in Heaven!

First image of Stewart Island.

Yellowbellies at home on Stewart Island.

Ancient Mariner??

Look out fish!!

Nigel with a nice Blue Cod.

Do we have to share these??

I'm sure there is some left here!

Back in the bar at South Seas Hotel, Stewart Island.

Made it to the top of the world's steepest street.

Stu's new friends.